June 11, 2021

So, it's our second week of documenting Friday Night Bubbles and our selection is an old favourite, Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay (non-vintage).
Firstly the week that was: The Socceroos continued to push towards a World Cup berth with wins over the mighty football giants Nepal and Chinese Taipei, the NSW Blues smashed Queensland in a crazily fast State of Origin match, an Aussie war hero took his detractors to court to try and prove he is not a war criminal (and maybe top win a bit of cash to boot), our politicians continue to be idiots, but our federal police actually made a dent in the battle against organised crime. Also worth noting, I recorded my best golf round for decades - 83 at Canterbury Golf Course (4 pars) on the coldest Sydney morning in 37 years.
So, onwards and upwards ... to the wine. Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay, made in the Eden Valley in South Australia, was an old favourite of my wife and I, and often featured in early Friday Night Bubbles. But, we went off it when a bottle we bought was "corked". I just couldn't get the cork off, and when I finally did it was rank. It was in the days when life was too fast and too busy and we didn't bother about returning and exchanging (which I'm sure wouldn't have been a problem). So, for a long time we were reluctant to return to this fabulous drop.
Luckily we eventually did, and we venture to Grant Burge bubbly in its various incarnations fairly regularly.
The Grant Burge website describes this tasty treat as: "Tinged with copper hues, the wine exhibits a delightful biscuit-like nose combined with ripe strawberry and peach characters. The palate is rich and generous with a real vitality that’s heightened by the creamy mouthfeel."
I have been drinking bubbly for decades but still battle with the terminology of wine experts. What is a "biscuit-like nose"? Does it mean it smells of Tims Tams, or maybe Kingstons? Who knows? I'm going to go for Arnott's Lemon Crisp bikkies, as they are an old favourite!
I get the "tinged with copper hues" bit though, so maybe I am learning.
The palate (or taste) for me was pleasantly citrussy (think lemon/lime) and I would agree with the "creamy mouthful". My wife is always focussed on the bubbliness factor of bubbly (go figure) and she thought this drop was particularly bubbly. So bubbly in fact, that I had trouble pouring it without it rising up over the top of the glass. But, then I'm not your best barman material!
Our considered opinion is that this drop smells good, feels good, tastes good, and importantly didn't leave us with a headache the next morning. Also, don't forget the excellent bubbliness factor.

REPORT CARD: Although marked absent for a few years, this student is not scared to speak-up in classroom discussions. Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay (non-vintage) gets 7.5 out of 10.
Looking forward to this week’s review